SPFL - Korean G9
Ma. Eirish Zulueta

SPFL - Korean G9

This course is about learning and exploring Korean Language and culture. This program aims to develop the communicative competence of the students in using Korean Language and enhance the intercultural skills of the students.  

Mechanical Drafting
Efleminda Buenconsejo

Mechanical Drafting

Mechanical drafting as one area of specialization in Grade 9 discusses topics about letterings, geometrical construction, pictorial drawing and orthographic drawing, and basic house planning. It aims to develop the technical knowledge and skills of the students. It involves development of manual skills which is expected in every drafter.

Beauty Care ( Nail Care Services)
Agnes Anglo

Beauty Care ( Nail Care Services)

Hand care treatment is very important because it pamper our tired hands and to keep fingernail look healthy and strong. We have a variety of hand care treatments and all of them help to relax and relieve our stresses from daily activities. These hand cares bring a variety of benefits that are popular with everyone's needs. And most of all these hand treatments can be done at home.

Once you have learned these different types of hand care treatment, it can be the beginning of your earning extra or personal income.