305432 - Golden Acres NHS
305432-Golden Acres NHS Grade 9 English Q1
Michelle Conchina

305432-Golden Acres NHS Grade 9 English Q1

Thank you so much for attending today; the turnout was incredible. My name is Michelle A. Conchina, and I am a  teacher at Golden Acres National High School. First, I'd like to congratulate everyone in higher education for making an incredible shift to online learning in just a few days. However, we are aware that moving online, such as getting allocated to a team, can be difficult. The classroom is only the beginning.

Mary Jane Sarangaya


Ang araling ito ay tatalakay sa Katutubong Panitikan tulad ng alamat, epiko at karunungang bayan.

Technology and Livelihood Education (Cookery 9)

Technology and Livelihood Education (Cookery 9)

This course is designed for a high school student to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the performance of Cookery tasks. It covers core competencies, namely: (1) cleaning and maintaining kitchen premises, (2) preparing appetizers, (3) preparing salads and dressings, (4) preparing sandwiches, (5) preparing desserts, and (6) packaging prepared foods.